American Girl Introduces Rebecca
A new member of the American Girl family debuted on May 31, 2009. She is 9-year-old “Rebecca...
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Posted by DOLLS Magazine Contributor | American Girl, Play Dolls |
A new member of the American Girl family debuted on May 31, 2009. She is 9-year-old “Rebecca...
Read MorePosted by DOLLS Magazine Contributor | Editor's Blog |
Life at a small publishing company can get very hectic with a zillion things to do and far too few minutes in a day. And in the midst of the mayhem, at times I seem to lose touch with the dolls, with my job becoming about...
Read MorePosted by DOLLS Magazine Contributor | Editor's Blog |
One of the most difficult aspects of being DOLLS editor is cutting submissions. As I wade through entries, most pieces compel me in some way or other, and so selection often comes down to how new a piece is, how good the...
Read MorePosted by DOLLS Magazine Contributor | Doll Collecting, Editor's Blog |
I love when I open an image of a new doll or an artist’s work I’ve never seen before and my breath catches in my throat and my heart pounds a little faster.When that happens, I know the dollmaker has done that special thing...
Read MorePosted by DOLLS Magazine Contributor | Collectible Doll Stores & Museums |
Stacia McDonough of Neva Dolls, known for her exquisite Russia-inspired pieces, was recently...
Read MorePosted by DOLLS Magazine Contributor | Doll Collecting, Editor's Blog |
• They’re constantly changing. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, you see another inspiring doll creation completely different from anything that’s been done before. Where do the artists draw they’re constant source of...
Read MorePosted by DOLLS Magazine Contributor | Doll Collecting, Editor's Blog |
• You get to live vicariously through their fashions. Let’s face it. Most of us don’t have a chance at carrying off Lolita, gothic, punk, high-fashion sophisticate or little-girl perfect styles. But it sure is fun to see...
Read MorePosted by DOLLS Magazine Contributor | Doll Shows & Events, Toy Fair |
Our favorite doll manufacturers displayed at Toy Fair 2009, Feb. 15-18: Adora, Alexander, Best...
Read MoreRecently, I decided to read the Twilight series. Since that first chapter of the first book, there’s been no looking back. I’m hooked. I’m enamored. I’m hopelessly obsessed. As soon as I finish a book, I’m racing through the...
Read MorePosted by DOLLS Magazine Contributor | Fantasy & Popular Culture, Tonner Doll Co |
Once upon a time, girls played with dolls and boys played with action figures. For the gen-X and...
Read MorePosted by DOLLS Magazine Contributor | Editor's Blog |
On a recent mini-trip to Chicago, we dined at a nice Italian place (and then an Irish pub to fill up because the quantities were so small!). Then, we listened to blues with talent ranging from “there’s a reason he’s singing in...
Read MorePosted by DOLLS Magazine Contributor | Dollmakers |
Was it coincidental that when Ty—yes the same company that brought us Beanie Babies—launched the first African-American dolls in their plush Ty Girlz series they just happened to have the same names as newly elected President...
Read MorePosted by DOLLS Magazine Contributor | Art Dolls, Dollmakers |
Kazuyo Oshima was born on the Awajishima Island of Japan in 1946, just one year after the defeat...
Read MorePosted by DOLLS Magazine Contributor | Doll Shows & Events |
The Kohler Doll & Bear Show, Oct. 11, 2008, in Kohler, Wis., was held at The American Club, a...
Read MorePosted by DOLLS Magazine Contributor | Dollmakers |
After continual losses throughout 2008, the Middleton Doll Co.’s board proposed to make the publically traded company private. The majority of shareholders agreed with the board’s proposal, voting yes, when they met on Dec....
Read MorePosted by DOLLS Magazine Contributor | Collectible Dolls, Hildegard Gunzel, Porcelain Dolls |
Hildegard Günzel has done it again. Celebrating 35 years of dollmaking this year, the German...
Read MorePosted by DOLLS Magazine Contributor | Antique Dolls, Collectible Doll Stores & Museums, Doll Collectors |
Visitors to Bartlesville, Okla., expect get a glimpse of the Old West in the heart of the...
Read MorePosted by DOLLS Magazine Contributor | Art Dolls, Dollmakers, Fantasy & Popular Culture, Porcelain Dolls |
Patricia Rose is a “girlie-girl” kind of woman. When she joined the Women’s Army Corp in the late...
Read MorePosted by DOLLS Magazine Contributor | Barbie Dolls & Mattel |
The coupe d’état that brought “Bratz” to power is over, and “Barbie®” has resumed her throne as queen. At the end of a four-year legal battle with MGA, the maker of Bratz, Mattel hopes to regain its powerhouse status in the play...
Read MorePosted by DOLLS Magazine Contributor | Ball Jointed Dolls (BJD), Dollmakers |
Dolls have always been a part of Eva Wilson’s life, whether collecting or making them. Her...
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