Yuuna is showing off her fabulous face-up by Charlene Smith.

This year, Meadow Dolls is celebrating their 10th anniversa­ry, which is a significant milestone in the doll industry. For collectors, this has already resulted in numerous releases of both new dolls and familiar favorites, and more are on the way.

Mittu, a Chibbi doll, was made available for preorder in January. The 7.6-inch (19.5 cm) doll was created by Swedish dollmaker Miroslava Brodlova (My Meadow) and her daughter. The following month, Meadow Dolls kicked off a preorder for Yuuna, a new BB doll. Yuuna is 18 inches (46 cm) tall and can share clothes with American Girl and Gotz dolls, among others. Her sweet smile makes it challenging not to fall in love with her. When Yuuna’s preorder concluded, a preorder began for Angie (Twinkle), who was offered in tan or honey resin. Then, at the end of March, sweet Mae became available — this was the final preorder for the Moppet doll.

In addition to the open preorders that have taken place so far in 2024, Meadow Dolls has created some limited-edition dolls as well. One of these is Ady, who was first released as an exclusive for DOLLS magazine. The Moppet stands 15 inches (38 cm) tall. The edition for DOLLS has a cream skin tone, an outfit by Lori Gould, and shoes by Marina Checherynda. A right-to-buy drawing was held for her on May 1. At the Modern Doll Collectors Convention in Au­gust 2024, Lilli will make her debut as a special event doll. Part of the Dumpling line, she is 11 inches (28 cm) and is sure to be popu­lar with those attending the “Dance Lilli Dance” Meadow Dolls dinner event.

In general, Meadow Dolls wants to con­tinue providing opportunities for anyone who wants to own one of their dolls to do so. There are more announcements in store for the fall, so be sure to keep up to date with Meadow Dolls’ website and social media pages.

Meadow Dolls

Meadow Dolls Fan Club

Charlene Smith completed the face-up for this Ady doll.
Adorable Yuuna has a factory face-up.
Miroslava Brodlova is the artist behind Meadow Dolls.