It’s a fact of life: many people decry the world of Harry Potter as glorifying a non-religious universe. To these worried individuals, the Potter franchise is a satanic, secular, totally self-centered franchise. They look at the wands, the spells, the incantations, and the overall supernatural flavor. However for folks who read the novels, and watch the movies, they realize that Christmas plays a central role. Since Harry spends his pre-adolescent and teen years at Hogwarts Academy, his days follow the school calendar. And make no mistake about it: Christmastime is a lavish affair at the educational institution. Now, collectors can re-enact the Christmas pageantry with a series of dolls from Star Ace.

J.K. Rowling — the woman who dreamed up the magical world — and the filmmakers have honored the majesty of the season. Harry Potter began his life as an orphan, forced to dwell beneath his relatives’ staircase, so he knew adversity. While his aunt and uncle were callous and cruel, he never lost his own internal goodness. After receiving his invitation to attend the prestigious academy for aspiring wizards and witches, Potter discovers his own kind. He resides among fellow students who are anxious to unleash the powers that reside within.

Like all good yarns — think Charles Dickens, Mr. Christmas himself — the orphan boy exceeds all predictions. Just like Dickens’ Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, and Pip, Harry Potter ends up embracing his great expectations! He is on the path to becoming the greatest, most courageous wizard who ever lived. Along the way, though, he also develops enormous affection for his peers and fellow students.

His two best mates are Hermione Granger, who is very studious and extremely capable, and Ron Weasley, who appears to be Hermione’s polar opposite. Star Ace captures the personalities and the quirks of these characters in a remarkably meticulous way. They don’t just make dolls that resemble the characters. The dolls actually seem to be the people!

Harry’s two very distinct and different friends bond with him and help him overcome adversity and achieve his destiny. During their years together, the trio has many Christmas dinners together. They attend fancy formal-dress Christmas balls, travel together to visit friends, and stay over at one another’s abodes for the holiday. Born to fulfill a prophecy, Harry Potter is a savior in his own right. Of course, his travails are not boldly likened to the life of Christ. However, his existence is filled with temptations, confrontations with evil, and eventual salvation for the world.

Harry Potter’s life is presented as a literary way to get young readers to think about selflessness, personal loyalty, and honoring one’s promises. Ultimately, it is a treatise on a young man learning how to live, fight, and die for a cause. That is quite remarkable in a book series that many people file away as a children’s pastime or ignore totally.

At Christmastime in reality (or Muggle world, as Harry Potter would say), the Potter influence is everywhere. There are, of course, the Star Ace dolls that honor Harry, Ron, and Hermione in their many incarnations. In the movie franchise, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson played the three leads. Radcliffe (Harry Potter) has managed to break free of the movies’ pigeonholing. He and Watson have traveled beyond the confines of Hogwarts and have had great success in other, more adult roles. Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) has not fared as well. The ginger-haired actor is still best known for his part in the magical epic.

Forevermore, the three of them remain enshrined as Harry, Hermione, and Ron in the numerous Potter collectibles. Christmas is the time of year when so many of these dolls, decorations, knickknacks, and curiosities get released.

The Star Ace company is famous for its uncanny celebrity likenesses. Their Christmas Versions of Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley are spectacular. Clad in bright red Santa suits, the three amigos look positively merry. The character dolls are amazing portraits of the three performers, and these are must-haves for Potterphiles (aka Potterheads or Potter fans).

Harry Potter looks snazzy in his Santa suit, and the Star Ace designers have provided him with holiday accessories, too. He comes with a snowman, which wears a sorting hat (naturally), and Hedwig the owl as well. A photo frame with Hogwart’s image and a Christmas Card are also included in the collectible kit.

When Harry isn’t busy playing dress-up as Santa, he can change into his casual wear, also on hand. Speaking of hands, like all Star Ace designs, the Harry Potter doll has hands to spare! Each of these 1:6 scale dolls comes with three interchangeable hands. Because the Potter character dolls are studying magic, one sculpted hand is molded to hold a wand. The wand, which is more essential than a pencil or ruler at Hogwarts, is also included in this limited-edition creation.

Ron’s likeness reflects Harry Potter’s assortment of Santa costuming and casual clothing. The Ron doll also sports extra hands, wand, photo frame, figure stand, Christmas card, and sorting-hat snowman. His pet rat, Scabbers, is part of the sprawling Christmas set. Always with a mind of her own, Hermione has unique special accessories. These are a mini Christmas tree, Hogwarts parcels, and three small gifts with snow effects. She looks sublime in her Santa getup and in her casual wear, too. Her pet cat, Crookshanks, is included in the Hermione set.
Priced at around $240, these Star Ace dolls are based on the characters’ appearances in “The Sorcerer’s Stone” movie. Each doll is limited to 250 pieces. They are made of plastic and stand almost 10 inches tall. They are absolutely beautiful and so adorable for Potterheads.

Finally, right at press time (I love saying that), I learned about the fourth Harry Potter offering from Star Ace. This one is a no-brainer. When you think about Santa Claus and his larger-than-life laugh, good-natured personality, Hagrid immediately springs to mind! The giant caretaker, who protects the property and the people within the Hogwarts community, is the ideal individual to wear Santa’s hat and coat. Rubeus Hagrid is a half-giant and a games keeper by profession. For the readers and filmgoers, he is Harry Potter’s dear ally and friend. He stands guard as a protector of Ron, Hermione, and Harry as they navigate life’s unexpected hurdles.

The Star Ace presentation of Hagrid as Santa comes with a change of clothing (casual wear) and five interchangeable hands. Fang the dog, a birthday cake, a wooden crossbow and bolt, and a flower round out his individual accessories. His Christmas special accessories, beyond the costume, are the same as Hermione’s: Christmas tree, parcels, and small gifts.

Harry Potter is a child when he meets Hagrid, and the half-giant towers over him. The Star Ace replica, likewise, is a huge doll in comparison to Ron, Harry, and Hermione. He is nearly 16 inches tall and has over 26 points of articulation. The Hagrid Santa set is priced at around $389.

For all admirers of the Harry Potter imaginary realm, Star Ace is a great resource for collectible figures. Their meshing of Christmas merrymaking and celebrity portraiture is outstanding. These dolls are definitely a holiday delight for book readers and movie lovers alike.