More than a thousand voters turned out to select their favorites from this year’s Dolls Awards of Excellence Public’s Choice nominees. We’d like to thank everyone who took the time to vote, and to thank all the artists who entered their creations in the 2019 competition. Congratulations to this year’s Public’s Choice winners!
Click on an image to start a slideshow.
Collectible Baby Doll: Leilani by Lauren Faith Jaimes Collectible Child Doll: Imani by Kaye Wiggs Collectible Teen/Adult Doll: Quitara by Kim Arnold Custom Baby Doll: Joel Awake by Laura Tuzio-Ross Custom Child Doll: Guusje and Jordan by Zofia and Henry Zawieruszynski Custom Teen/Adult Doll: Brigitte by Linda Macario Custom Fantasy Doll: Kyrra by Miroslava Brodlova One-of-a-Kind Baby Doll: Eva by Elsie Rodriguez One-of-a-Kind Child Doll: Genevive by Hajnalka Mayor One-of-a-Kind Teen/Adult Doll: Chocolate Woman by Gulnara Kharazova One-of-a-Kind Fantasy Doll: Evalena by Collette Hatch Doll Fashion: Chrysalis by Brenda Mize Doll Repaint/Face-Up: Saffi by Alena Gendala (doll by Miroslava Brodlova) Reborn Doll: Agata by Ruth Aguilar (from Betty kit by Natalie Blick) Artist of the Year: Laura Tuzio-Ross