As a professional within the field of doll collecting, we invite you to participate in the judging process for the Industry’s Choice phase of the Dolls Awards of Excellence (DAEs, formerly known as the Diamond Awards). By allowing professional doll artists and designers, retailers, show organizers, etc. to participate in the judging, each Industry’s Choice award will truly represent an accolade from the recipient’s peers within the doll community. 

Please read the instructions below before you begin the judging process: 

ELIGIBILITY: To qualify as a judge for the Dolls Awards of Excellence, you must be a professional within the doll collecting field: an artist/designer, retailer, show organizer, etc. Note that artists/designers who have entered the 2024 DAE competition ARE considered eligible to participate in the judging process. However, please also note the following limitations: 

  • Companies that employ multiple persons can only designate ONE representative to participate in the judging. 
  • Any individual who is eligible to participate in the judging may only do so once, even if they qualify as a professional in multiple areas (for example, someone who is both a retailer and a show organizer). 

DEADLINE: All rankings must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. CST Friday, May 24

JUDGING INSTRUCTIONS: Below are links to the judging forms for this year’s DAE competition. 

  1. Select the category you wish to judge first and click the corresponding link. This should open up on a new window of your web browser. 
  1. On the first page of the form, fill in the blanks for your name, company name (if any), and email address. This information will be used to validate the judging. Click the “Next” button to continue. 
  1. Each subsequent page will show information and two photos of one doll. Study the photos and text and then give the doll a ranking from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest), based on your evaluation of the doll’s overall aesthetic appeal; excellence in concept, design, and execution; and quality of materials and workmanship. Click “Next” to go on to the next doll. If you want to revisit a previous page, click the “Back” button. 
  1. Once you are satisfied with the rankings you’ve given to all of the entries on the form, click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the final page. Once your rankings have been recorded, you will be taken to a confirmation page. You may then return to this web page and select the other category. 

Click on the categories below to start judging

Thank you for taking the time to participate in the judging for the Dolls Awards of Excellence!