The Industry’s Choice winners in this year’s Dolls Awards of Excellence have been selected based on ratings assigned by nearly 50 professionals from all walks of the doll world.
The Industry’s Choice winners, along with each entrant’s top-rated entry in each category, will appear on the ballot for the Public’s Choice awards, selected by DOLLS readers. The Public’s Choice ballot is printed in DOLLS August/September 2023 issue, available in early August. You can also vote online starting Aug. 1.
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If you want to watch the video to find out who won, don’t scroll further! Below is a list of this year’s Industry’s Choice winners.
Dolls Awards of Excellence 2023 Industry’s Choice Winners
Standard Categories
Baby Doll
Abby by Victoria Perry
Alaia Yophi by Lorraine Yophi
Arlo by Manouk Waij
Atlanta by Michelle Fagan
Child Doll
Melody by Dianna Effner Dolls
Oonagh by Joyce Mathews
Tammy by Miroslava Brodlova
Tea for Two from Ashton-Drake Galleries
Teen/Adult Doll
Midsummer Night’s Bride from Ashton-Drake Galleries
Shy by Miroslava Brodlova
Snow Queen by Zofia & Henry Zawieruszynski
OOAK Baby/Child Doll
Leila by Sima Dojaty
My Little Mouse by Mayra Garza
Sleeping Beauty by Elisa Gallea
OOAK Teen/Adult Doll
Cailleach (Storm Bringer) by Collette Hatch
Special Categories
Reborn/Silicone Kits
Baby Pascale by Min Li
Bear by Christine Woolley
Fleur by Stacey Haskins
Saul by Susan Gibbs
Aurora by Fiorenza Biancheri
Doll Fashion
King Louis XVI by Joan Binkley
Victoriana by Julie Manley
Winter Solstice by Kathleen Hill